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Appointments that are "NO-CALL"/"NO-SHOW", cancelled less than 24 hours in advance or rescheduled more than once must secure/pay a cancellation fee of $25 for services $25 and up or $10 for services less than $25. **Fees MUST be PAID before rescheduling.**
Appointments that are NOT rescheduled within 24 hours will incur a cancellation fee (ex."Same-Day" of appointment rescheduling request).
At the discretion of the owner, "same-day" rescheduling request OR less than 24 hours rescheduling request may be charged a cancellation fee. The fees, aforementioned, will be utilized towards the service once it is completed.
Appointment Transfers
24 hour notification is required, along with approval from the owner, regarding transferring an appointment from one customer to another. Otherwise, the cancellation or reschedule fee may apply. **Please have approval from the customer who is receiving the transfer.**
Appointments are REQUIRED for services.
Please plan accordingly and book online.
Helpful Information for Services
Exfoliants: Please inform your Esthetician if there has been recent usage of exfoliants (scrubs, retinols, etc.) and/or prolonged exposure to sun, cold, etc.
Medical Conditions: Please consult with a Physician to ascertain if spa services are, currently, appropriate for oneself. **Stay home if you are sick and/or knowingly exposed to any contagious infection. (ex. Covid-19/Coronavirus, Flu, etc.)**
Waxing: Hair must be at least the length of a grain of rice or 1/2 inch long.
Hygiene: Cleanliness is important for all services to be rendered with particular regard for bikini/brazilian wax services.
Mask/Face Covering: Please wear a mask/face covering. The mask should remain on unless the service type such as a facial requires it to be removed until the completion of service in which the mask will need to be placed back on the face. 
Other procedures
The service provider washes hands, wears a mask and gloves in all services. Cleaning/disinfecting practices are implemented before and after each customer.
Customers will need to use hand sanitizer and/or proper handwashing techniques before and after treatment.
**Temperature checks maybe performed.**
**Services will NOT be rendered if non-cooperation of health and safety practices is expressed. If applicable, the cancellation policy will apply.**
Late arrivals
Late arrivals may need to reschedule based upon time alloted for the service OR the service will be shortened. *Arrive 5-7minutes early to avoid decreased treatment/service time for NEW customers.* The appointment will be CANCELLED if 15 minutes late.*
Childcare is NOT provided.
Currently, services are rendered to individuals 18 years and older.
Contact information
To avoid cancellation, the REAL first and last name of a customer should be used when booking an appointment. NO nicknames or abbreviations. A valid email address and cell phone number is required.*If no response to requested appointment information is provided within 24-48 hours, the appointment will be cancelled.*
Please wait, patiently, in the lobby until your therapist retrieves you. Guests of customers must stay seated in the lobby.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices 
Please silence all electronic devices. 
Gift Cards 
Gift cards are non-refundable and do not expire.

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